ShowClix Reporting API

API Endpoint

ShowClix provides a flexible API for creating custom reports. These endpoints support column selection, filtering, grouping, and aggregation. These reports can pull from several different data sets including: Tickets, Orders, Customers, Scan Logs, and Transaction Details.


Custom Reports

POST /reports/foreground
Requestsexample 1example 2
Content-Type: application/json
X-API-Token: 3e9fa1980a283fe902c83a8929d0ae91
  "report": "TicketReport",
  "timezone": "America/New_York",
  "columns": [
  "title": "2016 Free Tickets",
  "description": "All free tickets from Jan 2016 to Jan 2017",
  "arguments": [
      "name": "purchase_time",
      "value": "2016-01-01 00:00:00",
      "operator": ">=",
      "input_type": "datetime",
      "filter_col_title": "Purchase Time"
      "name": "purchase_time",
      "value": "2017-01-01 00:00:00",
      "operator": "<",
      "input_type": "datetime",
      "filter_col_title": "Purchase Time"
  "filters": [
      "name": "cost",
      "field": "cost",
      "value": "0",
      "operator": "="
  "filter_meta": "{}",
  "group_by": [],
  "filter_type": "and",
  "send_notification_email": false,
  "notification_email_address": ""
Content-Type: application/json
  "report": "\"2016 Free Tickets\"\n\"Generated at: 01/10/2017 15:21\"\n\"Order ID\",\"Barcode\",\"Name on Order\",\"Name on Ticket\",\"Event Name\",\"Price Level Name\",\"Face Value\",\"Status\"\n\"125897355\",\"0212324529\",\"John Doe\",\"John Doe\",\"Grand Event\",\"Free\",\"$0,00\",\"Live\"",
  "meta": {
    "date_format": "MM/DD/YYYY H:mm"
Content-Type: application/json
X-API-Token: 3e9fa1980a283fe902c83a8929d0ae91
  "report": "TicketReport",
  "timezone": "America/New_York",
  "columns": [
  "title": "All Tickets",
  "description": "All tickets for 2016 - Large Report",
  "primary_filters": [
      "name": "purchase_time",
      "value": "2016-01-01 00:00:00",
      "operator": ">=",
      "input_type": "datetime",
      "filter_col_title": "Purchase Time"
      "name": "purchase_time",
      "value": "2017-01-01 00:00:00",
      "operator": "<",
      "input_type": "datetime",
      "filter_col_title": "Purchase Time"
  "filters": [],
  "filter_meta": "{}",
  "group_by": [],
  "filter_type": "and",
  "send_notification_email": false,
  "notification_email_address": ""
Content-Type: application/json
  "status_id": 12346789

Create a Custom Report

POSTing to this endpoint attempts to run a custom report in the foreground. If the report is considered to large to foreground, the endpoint will background the report and respond with a 201 Created HTTP response along with an id to use to check the status of the report.

Request Parameters

Property Type Notes
report string The report dataset to pull from “TicketReport”, “OrderReport”, “CustomerReport”, “ScanLogReport”, “TransactionItemReport”, “ProductSaleReport”, “BundleSaleReport”
timezone timezone string in format “America\New_York”
columns array Names of columns to select
title string Custom name for this report
description string Custom description for this report
arguments array The primary filters of the report - IE, event IDs or dates
filters array
filter_meta string
group_by array Attribute(s) to group the report by
filter_type string How to combine filters, either “and” or “or”
send_notification_email boolean When true, sends an email to notification_email_address when the report finishes
notification_email_address string Email address to send notification to (see send_notification_email)

Response Parameters

The response will include the value report which is the report text in a CSV. The first two lines of the CSV will be the title of the report and the time of generation. The third line is the ordered headers, matching the requested order. The last line is an ordered list of totals matching the total values from total_columns.

Property Type Notes
report string CSV of the report
meta string Meta data about the report, like the preferred data format for this report based on locale

Ticket Report

Column Information

Column Title Format Description Groupable Valid Groups Invalid Groups
access_code Access Coupon Code String The code associated with the access coupon. No
access_coupon_name Access Coupon Name String The title of the access coupon. No
application_id Application ID String The id of an application. Yes
application_name Application Name String The name of an application. Yes
attendee_email Attendee Email String No description No
attendee_first_name Attendee First Name String No description No
attendee_id Attendee ID String No description No
attendee_last_name Attendee Last Name String No description No
auto_discount Automatic Discount Monetary The amount of an automatically applied discount. No
barcode Barcode String The unique barcode associated with the ticket. No
hex_barcode Barcode (Hex) String The hexadecimal barcode associated with the ticket. No
billing_address Billing Address String The mailing address associated with the customer’s credit card. No
ba_city Billing Address City String The city associated with the customer’s billing address. Yes ba_city
ba_country Billing Address Country String The country associated with the customer’s billing address. Yes ba_country
ba_address Billing Address Line 1 String The first line of the customer’s billing address. No
ba_address2 Billing Address Line 2 String The second line of the customer’s billing address. No
ba_zip Billing Address Postal Code String The postal code associated with the customer’s billing address. Yes ba_zip
ba_state Billing Address State String The state associated with the customer’s billing address. Yes ba_city, ba_zip, ba_state
billable_fee Billing Fee Monetary The amount due to the partner. (For clients using own merchant account.) Yes
billing_name Billing Name String The customer’s name associated with their credit card purchase. Yes billing_name
ba_phone Billing Phone Number String The phone number associated with the customer’s credit card purchase. No
admin_user_first_name Box Office User First Name String The first name of the Admin user who processed the order. No admin_user_id
admin_user_id Box Office User ID String The unique ID of the Admin user who processed the order. Yes
admin_user_last_name Box Office User Last Name String The last name of the Admin user who processed the order. No admin_user_id
bundle_name Bundle Name String The name of the bundle associated with the ticket. Yes
capture_method Capture Method String The method (e.g., online, box office) with which the ticket was purchased. Yes capture_method
comp_code Comp Coupon Code String The code associated with the complimentary coupon. Yes
comp_coupon_name Comp Coupon Name String The name of the complimentary coupon. Yes
confirmation_number Confirmation Number String The unique ID shared with the customer to identify the order. No
customer_address Customer Address String The customer’s current full address. No
ca_city Customer Address City String The customer’s city associated with their current address. Yes ca_city
ca_country Customer Address Country String The customer’s country associated with their current address. Yes ca_country
ca_address Customer Address Line 1 String The customer’s first line of their current address. No
ca_address_2 Customer Address Line 2 String The customer’s second line of their current address. No
ca_zip Customer Address Postal Code String The customer’s postal code associated with their current address. Yes ca_zip
ca_state Customer Address State String The customer’s state associated with their current address. Yes ca_city, ca_zip, ca_state
currency Currency String The type of currency used to purchase the order. Yes currency
customer_attribute Customer Attributes String Customer attributes associated with the customer. No
customer_email Customer Email String The customer’s current email address. Yes
customer_first_name Customer First Name String The customer’s first name. No
member_id Customer ID String The unique ID of the customer’s account. Yes
customer_last_name Customer Last Name String The customer’s last name. No
member_note Customer Notes String Any notes attached to the customer’s record. No member_id
customer_phone_number Customer Phone Number String The customer’s phone number. Yes
day_of_the_week Day of the Week Year The day of the week (e.g., Mon, Tues, Wed) on which the order, transaction, etc. occurred. Yes
delivery_id Delivery ID String The delivery id. Yes
delivery_type Delivery Method String The method (e.g., print-at-home, mobile, etc.) selected by the customer for receiving their tickets. Yes delivery_type
destination Destination String The delivery destination. Yes
discount Discount Monetary The amount of discount(s) applied to the ticket. No
discount_code Discount Coupon Code String The code associated with the discount coupon. Yes
discount_coupon_name Discount Coupon Name String The name of the discount coupon. Yes
discounted_price_level Discounted Price Level String The title of the discounted price level of the ticket. Yes order_id
event_capacity Event Capacity Numeric The maximum capacity of the event. Yes
event_day_of_the_week Event Day of the Week String The day of the week (e.g., Mon, Tues, Wed) on which the event occurred. Based on the event’s local timezone. Yes
event_id Event ID String The unique ID of the event for which the ticket was purchased. Yes
event_name Event Name String The title of the event for which the ticket was purchased. Yes
event_start Event Start Time The full date and time when the event is scheduled to begin. No
event_start_date Event Start Date Date The date on which the event is scheduled to begin. Yes
event_start_time Event Start Time String The time when the event is scheduled to begin. No
face_value_bo Face Value (Box Office) Monetary The current ticket face value sold through the box office. Yes
face_value Face Value (Online) Monetary The current ticket face value sold online. Yes
cost Face Value Sold Monetary The face value amount of the tickets at the time of purchase. Yes
fulfillment_status Fulfillment Status String The current status (e.g., fulfilled, pending) of the customer’s ticket. Yes
fulfillment_time Fulfillment Time Time The date and time when the ticket was fulfilled. No
export_tracking_code Fulfillment Tracking Code Time The tracking code associated with the shipment of the customer’s ticket. No
fulfillment_user_email Fulfillment User Email String No description No
fulfillment_user_first_name Fulfillment User First Name String No description No
fulfillment_user_id Fulfillment User ID String No description Yes
fulfillment_user_last_name Fulfillment User Last Name String No description No
ip_address IP Address String The customer’s IP address associated with the order. Only available for online orders. No
reference_id Invoice ID String The ID of the invoice associated with the ticket Yes
latest_scan_status Latest Scan Status String The ticket’s current scan status (e.g., scanned in, scanned out). Yes
latest_scan_time Latest Scan Time Time The time of the most recent scan of the ticket. No
legacy_delivery_type Legacy Delivery Method String The legacy method (e.g., print-at-home, mobile, etc.) selected by the customer for receiving their tickets. Yes delivery_type
listing_id Listing ID String The unique ID of the listing that the reservation was started on Yes
listing_name Listing Name String The internal only name of this listing Yes
membership_id Membership ID String The ID associated with the customer’s membership. No
membership_level Membership Level String The customer’s tier of membership. No
name_on_order Name on Order String The name provided with the customer’s order. (Note: May be different from Customer Name.) No
name_on_ticket Name on Ticket String The name associated with the ticket. (Available if Collect Name on Each Ticket is enabled.) Yes
network_id Network ID Numeric The current status of ticket transfer (accepted, pending, not transferred). No
opt_in_status Opt-in Status String Identifies whether a customer has agreed to receive marketing emails from your organization. Yes
order_completed_date Order Completed Date Date The date on which the order was completed. Yes
order_completed_hour Order Completed Hour Hour The hour in which the order was completed. Can be applied across multiple days. Yes
order_completed_month Order Completed Month Month The month in which the order was completed. Yes
order_completed_time Order Completed Time Time The full date and time when the order was completed. No
order_completed_year Order Completed Year Year The year in which the order was completed. Yes
order_email Order Email String The customer’s email address used to place the order. Yes
order_id Order ID String The unique ID associated with the order. Yes
note Order Notes String Any notes attached to the order. No
purchase_date Order Start Date Date The date on which the order was opened. Yes
purchase_hour Order Start Hour Hour The hour in which the order was opened. Can be applied across multiple days. Yes
purchase_month Order Start Month Month The month in which the order was opened. Yes
purchase_time Order Start Time Time The full date and time when the order was opened. No
purchase_year Order Start Year Year The year in which the order was opened. Yes
parent_event_id Parent Event ID String The unique ID of the parent event associated with the event’s series. Yes
parent_event_name Parent Event Name String The title of the parent event associated with the event’s series. No
payment_method_name Payment Method String The payment method (cash, credit, etc.) used to purchase the order. Yes
payment_plan_id Payment Plan ID String The unique ID associated with the payment plan for the order. No
presale_code Presale Coupon Code String The code associated with the presale coupon. Yes
presale_coupon_name Presale Coupon Name String The name of the presale coupon. Yes
price_level_id Price Level ID String The unique ID of the price level of the ticket. Yes order_id
price_level_name Price Level Name String The title of the price level of the ticket. Yes order_id
answers_orders Question Responses (Order) String Customer responses to questions associated with the order. No
answers_tickets Question Responses (Ticket) String Customer responses to questions on the ticket. No
reserve_code Reserve Coupon Code String The code associated with the access coupon. Yes
reserve_coupon_name Reserve Coupon Name String The title of the reserve coupon. Yes
row Row String The seat row assigned to the ticket. No
seat Seat String The seat assigned to the ticket. No
section Section String The seat section assigned to the ticket. No
seller_name Seller String The event organization’s seller account. No
seller_id Seller ID String The unique ID of the event organization’s seller account. Yes
service_fee Service Fee Monetary The service fee collected in addition to the cost of the ticket. No
shipping_address Shipping Address String The full mailing address provided for delivery of the customer’s order. No
sa_city Shipping Address City String The city associated with the customer’s shipping address. Yes sa_city
sa_country Shipping Address Country String The country associated with the customer’s shipping address. Yes sa_country
sa_address Shipping Address Line 1 String The first line of the customer’s shipping address. Yes sa_address
sa_address2 Shipping Address Line 2 String The second line of the customer’s shipping address. Yes sa_address2
sa_postal_code Shipping Address Postal Code String The postal code associated with the customer’s shipping address. Yes sa_postal_code
sa_state Shipping Address State String The state associated with the customer’s shipping address. Yes sa_state
shipping_name Shipping Name String The customer’s name provided for delivery of the order. Yes
stream_access_code Stream Access Code String Code used to access stream. No
ticket_id Ticket ID String The unique ID of the ticket. No
total_net Ticket Net Monetary The net amount paid on the ticket (after refunds and discounts). No
status Ticket Status String The status (live, void, or pending) of the ticket. Yes
void_time Ticket Void Time String The time when the ticket was voided. No
first_check_in Time of First Check In Time A timestamp indicating when the ticket was first scanned in. No
last_check_out Time of Last Check Out Time A timestamp indicating when the ticket was most recently scanned out. No
total_billable_fees Total Billing Fees Monetary The total amount due to the partner. (For clients using own merchant account.) No
total_discounts Total Discounts Monetary The total amount of all discounts applied to the ticket(s). No
num_live_tickets Total Live Tickets Numeric The total number of live tickets. Only available when a grouping is applied. No
num_pending_tickets Total Pending Tickets Numeric The total number of pending tickets in open orders. Only available when a grouping is applied. No
total_service_fees Total Service Fees Collected Monetary The total amount of all service fees collected on the ticket(s). No
count_tickets Total Tickets Numeric The total amount of all live, void, and pending tickets. Only available when a grouping is applied. No
num_canceled_tickets Total Void Tickets Numeric The total number of void tickets. Only available when a grouping is applied. No
tracking_tag Tracking Tag String The tracking tag associated with the order. No
transfer_status Transfer Status String The current status of ticket transfer (accepted, pending, not transferred). Yes
venue_id Venue ID String No description No
venue_name Venue Name String No description No

Groups Information

Column Key

Primary Filter Information

Column Title Type Options
event_id Event ID event
purchase_time Order Start Time datetime
seller_id Seller ID seller

Other Filter Information

Column Title Type Options
access_code Access Coupon Code string
application_id Application ID string
application_name Application Name string
admin_user_id Box Office User ID string
bundle_name Bundle exists
capture_method Capture Method select pos_all POS - All, 1 Online/Phone, 2 Express Checkout, 3 Express Checkout via Phone, 4 POS via Phone, 5 POS In Person, 6 ShowClix Customer Service, 7 API Sale, 8 Imported Sale, 9 POS via Mail, 10 POS via Email, 13 Kiosk, 14 Lyte, 15 Reserve With Google, 12 Third Party Import, 16 Trip Advisor
comp_code Comp Coupon Code string
day_of_the_week Day of the Week select Sunday Sunday, Monday Monday, Tuesday Tuesday, Wednesday Wednesday, Thursday Thursday, Friday Friday, Saturday Saturday
delivery_id Delivery ID string
delivery_type Delivery Method select delivery_type
destination Destination string
discount_code Discount Coupon Code string
event_day_of_the_week Event Day of the Week select Sunday Sunday, Monday Monday, Tuesday Tuesday, Wednesday Wednesday, Thursday Thursday, Friday Friday, Saturday Saturday
cost Face Value Sold number
fulfillment_status Fulfillment Status select Not begun Not begun, Pending Pending, Picked up Picked up, Shipped Shipped
fulfillment_user_id Fulfillment User ID string
reference_id Invoice ID string
name_on_ticket Name on Ticket string
payment_method_name Payment Method select payment_method_name
presale_code Presale Coupon Code string
price_level_id Price Level price-level
reserve_code Reserve Coupon Code string
status Ticket Status select-one
transfer_status Transfer Status select Not Transferred Not Transferred, Pending Pending, Accepted Accepted

Order Report

Column Information

Column Title Format Description Groupable Valid Groups Invalid Groups
ticket_fee_refunds Additional Fee Refunds Monetary The total amount of ticket fees refunded on additional fees. No
ticket_fees Additional Fees Monetary A multi-column breakdown of the total amount collected per each additional fee. No
collected_additional_fee Additional Fees Collected Monetary The amount of additional fees collected from the customer. No
additional_fee_owed Additional Fees Owed Monetary The amount owed to the partner outside of service fees. No
billing_address Billing Address String The mailing address associated with the customer’s credit card. No
ba_city Billing Address City String The city associated with the customer’s billing address. Yes ba_city
ba_country Billing Address Country String The country associated with the customer’s billing address. Yes ba_country
ba_address Billing Address Line 1 String The first line of the customer’s billing address. No
ba_address2 Billing Address Line 2 String The second line of the customer’s billing address. No
ba_zip Billing Address Postal Code String The postal code associated with the customer’s billing address. Yes ba_zip
ba_state Billing Address State String The state associated with the customer’s billing address. Yes ba_city, ba_zip, ba_state
billing_name Billing Name String The customer’s name associated with their credit card purchase. Yes billing_name
ba_phone Billing Phone Number String The phone number associated with the customer’s credit card purchase. No
admin_user_first_name Box Office User First Name String The first name of the Admin user who processed the order. No admin_user_id
admin_user_id Box Office User ID String The unique ID of the Admin user who processed the order. Yes
admin_user_last_name Box Office User Last Name String The last name of the Admin user who processed the order. No admin_user_id
indiv_bundle_counts Bundle Counts Numeric A multi-column breakdown of totals for each bundle purchased. No
bundle_id Bundle ID String The unique ID associated with the bundle. Yes
bundle_name Bundle Name String The title of the bundle. No
capture_method Capture Method String The method (e.g., online, box office) with which the ticket was purchased. Yes capture_method
last_four Card Last Four String The last four digits of the card used to pay for the order. No
card_type Card Type String The type of card (Visa, AmEx, etc.) used to pay for the order. No
confirmation_number Confirmation Number String The unique ID shared with the customer to identify the order. No
coupon_codes Coupon Codes String Any coupon code(s) applied to the order. No
coupon_names Coupon Names String The title(s) of any coupon(s) applied to the order. No
currency Currency String The type of currency used to purchase the order. Yes currency
custom_seller_fees Custom Seller Fee Monetary The amount of custom seller fees. (Configured in event settings.) No
customer_address Customer Address String The customer’s current full address. No
ca_city Customer Address City String The customer’s city associated with their current address. Yes ca_city
ca_country Customer Address Country String The customer’s country associated with their current address. Yes ca_country
ca_address Customer Address Line 1 String The customer’s first line of their current address. No
ca_address_2 Customer Address Line 2 String The customer’s second line of their current address. No
ca_zip Customer Address Postal Code String The customer’s postal code associated with their current address. Yes ca_zip
ca_state Customer Address State String The customer’s state associated with their current address. Yes ca_city, ca_zip, ca_state
customer_attribute Customer Attributes String Customer attribute definitions associated with the seller. No
customer_email Customer Email String The customer’s current email address. Yes
customer_first_name Customer First Name String The customer’s first name. No
member_id Customer ID String The unique ID of the customer’s account. Yes
customer_last_name Customer Last Name String The customer’s last name. No
member_note Customer Notes String Any notes attached to the customer’s record. No member_id
customer_phone_number Customer Phone Number String The customer’s phone number. Yes
day_of_the_week Day of the Week Year The day of the week (e.g., Mon, Tues, Wed) on which the order, transaction, etc. occurred. Yes
delivery_fees Delivery Fee Monetary The amount of fees applied for the order’s delivery method. No
delivery_id Delivery ID String The delivery id. Yes
delivery_type Delivery Method String The method (e.g., print-at-home, mobile, etc.) selected by the customer for receiving their tickets. Yes delivery_type
destination Destination String The delivery id. Yes
donation_refunds Donation Refunds Monetary The total amount of donations refunded. No
donation_amount Donations Monetary The total amount of donations paid on the order. No
event_day_of_the_week Event Day of the Week String The day of the week (e.g., Mon, Tues, Wed) on which the event occurred. Based on the event’s local timezone. Yes
event_id Event ID String The unique ID associated with the event. Yes
event_names Event Names String The title of any event(s) purchased in the order. No
ticket_em_tracking_code Fulfillment Export Tracking Codes String The tracking code associated with the shipment of the customer’s item. No
fulfillment_status Fulfillment Status String The current status (e.g., fulfilled, pending) of the customer’s ticket(s). Yes fulfillment_status
ip_address IP Address String The customer’s IP address associated with the order. Only available for online orders. No
legacy_delivery_type Legacy Delivery Method String The legacy method (e.g., print-at-home, mobile, etc.) selected by the customer for receiving their tickets. Yes delivery_type
listing_id Listing ID String The unique ID of the listing that the reservation was started on Yes
listing_name Listing Name String The internal only name of this listing Yes
barcodes Live Barcodes String All live ticket barcodes included in the order. No
barcodes_hex Live Barcodes (Hex) String All live ticket barcodes in hexadecimal format. No
price_level_id Live Price Level IDs String All associated price level IDs for all live tickets in the order. No
price_level_names Live Price Level Names String All associated price level titles for all live tickets in the order. No
ticket_id Live Ticket IDs String The unique ticket ID for every ticket included in the order. No
indiv_tickets_per_price_level Live Tickets by Price Level Numeric A multi-column breakdown of the total live tickets per price level. No
membership_id Membership ID String The ID associated with the customer’s membership. No
membership_level Membership Level String The customer’s tier of membership. No
mobile_numbers Mobile Delivery Phone Numbers String Any phone numbers provided for mobile delivery of the tickets. No
name_on_order Name on Order String The name provided with the customer’s order. (Note: May be different from Customer Name.) No
names_on_tickets Names on Tickets String The attendee name(s) collected for every ticket in the order. No
num_events Number of Events String The total number of events purchased in the order. No
opt_in_status Opt-in Status String Identifies whether a customer has agreed to receive marketing emails from your organization. Yes
sale_date Order Completed Date Date The date on which the order was completed. Yes sale_date
sale_hour Order Completed Hour Hour The hour in which the order was completed. Can be applied across multiple days. Yes sale_hour
sale_month Order Completed Month Month The month in which the order was completed. Yes sale_month
sale_time Order Completed Time Time The full date and time when the order was completed. No
sale_year Order Completed Year Year The year in which the order was completed. Yes sale_year
order_email Order Email String The customer’s email address used to place the order. Yes
order_id Order ID String The unique ID associated with the order. Yes
notes Order Notes String Any internal notes attached to the order. No
reservation_start_date Order Start Date Date The date on which the order was opened. Yes
reservation_start_hour Order Start Hour Hour The hour in which the order was opened. Can be applied across multiple days. Yes
reservation_start_month Order Start Month Month The month in which the order was opened. Yes
reservation_start Order Start Time Time The full date and time when the order was opened. No
reservation_start_year Order Start Year Year The year in which the order was opened. Yes
status Order Status String The current status (e.g., completed, pending, void) of the order. Yes status
order_type Order Type String The order’s type: standard, group sales, or payment plan. Yes order_type
cancel_time Order Void Time Time The full date and time when the order was voided. No
gateway Payment Gateway String The merchant gateway used to transact the purchase. No
gateway_id Payment Gateway ID String No
payment_method_name Payment Method String The payment method (cash, credit, etc.) used to purchase the order. Yes
payment_plan_id Payment Plan ID String The unique ID associated with the payment plan for the order. No
num_payments Payments Completed Numeric The total number of payments the customer has contributed towards the order. No
product_config_name Product Configuration Names String The title of every product configuration included in the order. No
indiv_product_config_counts Product Counts by Configuration Numeric A multi-column breakdown of the total units sold for each product configuration. No
indiv_product_counts Product Counts by Product Numeric A multi-column breakdown of the total units sold for each product. No
product_name Product Names String The title of every product included in the order. No
product_refunds Product Refunds Monetary The total amount of products refunded on the order. No
product_tax Product Tax Monetary The tax applied to any products. No
answers Question Responses String Customer responses to questions associated with the order. No
referer_domain Referrer Domains String The domain name associated with the link which directed the customer to the event listing page. Yes referer_domain
referer_url Referrer URLs String The URL from which the customer was directed to the event listing page. No
refunded_tickets_per_price_level Refunded Tickets by Price Level Numeric A multi-column breakdown of the total number of tickets refunded per price level. No
refunds_per_price_level Refunds by Price Level Monetary A multi-column breakdown of the total amount refunded per price level. No
refunds_per_product Refunds by Product Monetary A multi-column breakdown of the total amount refunded per product. No
seller_name Seller String The event organization’s seller account. No
seller_id Seller ID String The unique ID of the event organization’s seller account. Yes
collected_service_fee Service Fees Collected Monetary The amount of service fees collected from the customer. No
shipping_address Shipping Address String The full mailing address provided for delivery of the customer’s order. No
sa_city Shipping Address City String The city associated with the customer’s shipping address. Yes sa_city
sa_country Shipping Address Country String The country associated with the customer’s shipping address. Yes sa_country
sa_address Shipping Address Line 1 String The first line of the customer’s shipping address. Yes sa_address
sa_address2 Shipping Address Line 2 String The second line of the customer’s shipping address. Yes sa_address2
sa_postal_code Shipping Address Postal Code String The postal code associated with the customer’s shipping address. Yes sa_postal_code
sa_state Shipping Address State String The state associated with the customer’s shipping address. Yes sa_state
shipping_name Shipping Name String The customer’s name provided for delivery of the order. Yes
total_paid_tickets Ticket Net Monetary The net amount paid on the tickets (after refunds and discounts). No
ticket_refunds Ticket Refunds Monetary The total amount refunded on tickets in the order. No
time_to_checkout Time to Checkout String The time elapsed during the customer’s purchase (from ticket selection to order completion). No
total_coupon_discounts Total Coupon Discounts Monetary The total amount of discounts from coupons on the order. No
ticket_face_value Total Live Ticket Face Value Monetary The total face value of all tickets at the time of purchase. No
num_live_tickets Total Live Tickets Numeric The total number of live tickets purchased in the order. No
total_manual_discounts Total Manual Discounts Monetary The total amount of discounts applied manually in the box office. No
count_orders Total Orders Numeric The total number of orders. Only available when a grouping is applied. No
total_paid Total Paid Monetary The net amount paid on the order (after discounts and refunds). No
total_number_of_products Total Products Numeric The total number of products purchased in the order. No
total_refunded_amount Total Refunded Monetary The total amount of money refunded on the order. No
total_service_fees Total Service Fees Monetary The total amount of service fees collected on the order. No
ticket_fee_amount Total Ticket Fees Monetary The total amount collected on additional fees in the order. No
num_canceled_tickets Total Void Tickets Numeric The total number of void tickets in the order. No
sale_tag Tracking Tag String The tracking tag associated with the order. Yes sale_tag
void_barcodes Void Barcodes String All ticket barcodes for any void tickets included in the order. No
void_barcodes_hex Void Barcodes (Hex) String All void ticket barcodes in hexadecimal format. No

Groups Information

Column Key

Primary Filter Information

Column Title Type Options
event_id Event ID event
reservation_start Order Start Time datetime
seller_id Seller ID seller

Other Filter Information

Column Title Type Options
admin_user_id Box Office User ID string
capture_method Capture Method select pos_all POS - All, 1 Online/Phone, 2 Express Checkout, 3 Express Checkout via Phone, 4 POS via Phone, 5 POS In Person, 6 ShowClix Customer Service, 7 API Sale, 8 Imported Sale, 9 POS via Mail, 10 POS via Email, 13 Kiosk, 14 Lyte, 15 Reserve With Google, 12 Third Party Import, 16 Trip Advisor
day_of_the_week Day of the Week select Sunday Sunday, Monday Monday, Tuesday Tuesday, Wednesday Wednesday, Thursday Thursday, Friday Friday, Saturday Saturday
delivery_id Delivery ID string
delivery_type Delivery Method select delivery_type
destination Destination string
event_day_of_the_week Event Day of the Week select Sunday Sunday, Monday Monday, Tuesday Tuesday, Wednesday Wednesday, Thursday Thursday, Friday Friday, Saturday Saturday
name_on_order Name on Order string
status Order Status select Completed Completed, Pending Pending, Void Void
order_type Order Type select Standard Standard, Payment Plan Payment Plan, Group Sale Group Sale
payment_method_name Payment Method select payment_method_name
payment_plan_id Payment Plan exists
product_name Product exists

Customer Report

Column Information

Column Title Format Description Groupable Valid Groups Invalid Groups
currency Currency String The type of currency used to purchase the order. Yes currency
address Customer Address String The customer’s full mailing address. No
address1 Customer Address Line 1 String The first line of the customer’s mailing address. No
address2 Customer Address Line 2 String The second line of the customer’s mailing address. No
customer_attribute Customer Attributes String Customer attribute definitions associated with the seller. No
city Customer City String The city associated with the customer’s mailing address. Yes
country Customer Country String The country associated with the customer’s mailing address. Yes
customer_email Customer Email String The customer’s current email address. No
customer_first_name Customer First Name String The customer’s first name. No
member_table_id Customer ID String The unique ID of the customer’s account. No
customer_last_name Customer Last Name String The customer’s last name. No
notes Customer Notes String Any notes attached to the customer’s record. No
customer_phone_number Customer Phone Number String The customer’s phone number. No
zip Customer Postal Code String The postal code assoiated with the customer’s mailing address. Yes
state Customer State String The state associated with the customer’s mailing address. Yes
day_of_the_week Day of the Week Year The day of the week (e.g., Mon, Tues, Wed) on which the order, transaction, etc. occurred. Yes
event_id Event IDs String The unique ID(s) associated with any event(s) for which the customer purchased tickets or products. Yes
opt_in_status Opt-in Status String Identifies whether a customer has agreed to receive marketing emails from your organization. Yes
registration_date Registration Date Date The date on which a customer’s first purchase occurred. Yes
registration_hour Registration Hour Hour The hour at which a customer’s first purchase occurred. Can be applied across multiple days. Yes
registration_month Registration Month Month The month in which a customer’s first purchase occurred. Yes
registration_time Registration Time Time The date and time at which a customer’s first purchase occurred. No
registration_year Registration Year Year The year in which a customer’s first purchase occurred. Yes
seller_name Seller String The event organization’s seller account. No
seller_id Seller ID String The unique ID of the event organization’s seller account. Yes
tags Tags String Any internal tags attached to the customer’s record. No
count_customers Total Customers Numeric The total number of customers. Only available when a grouping is applied. No
num_sales Total Orders Numeric The total number of orders the customer has placed. No
num_products Total Products Numeric The total number of products the customer has purchased. No
sum_seller_payments Total Spend Amount Monetary The total amount on all of the customer’s orders. No
num_tickets Total Tickets Numeric The total number of tickets the customer has purchased. No
num_events Total Unique Events Numeric The total number of different events for which the customer has purchased tickets or products. No

Groups Information

Column Key

Primary Filter Information

Column Title Type Options
event_id Event IDs event
registration_time Registration Time datetime
seller_id Seller ID seller

Other Filter Information

Column Title Type Options
customer_first_name Customer First Name string
customer_last_name Customer Last Name string
day_of_the_week Day of the Week select Sunday Sunday, Monday Monday, Tuesday Tuesday, Wednesday Wednesday, Thursday Thursday, Friday Friday, Saturday Saturday
opt_in_status Opt-in Status select Opted In Opted In, Opted Out Opted Out

Scan Log Report

Column Information

Column Title Format Description Groupable Valid Groups Invalid Groups
ba_country Billing Address Country String The country associated with the customer’s billing address. Yes ba_country
barcode Barcode String The unique barcode associated with the ticket. Yes
hex_barcode Barcode (Hex) String The hexadecimal barcode associated with the ticket. Yes
billing_address Billing Address String The mailing address associated with the customer’s credit card. No
ba_city Billing Address City String The city associated with the customer’s billing address. Yes ba_city
ba_address Billing Address Line 1 String The first line of the customer’s billing address. No
ba_address2 Billing Address Line 2 String The second line of the customer’s billing address. No
ba_zip Billing Address Postal Code String The postal code associated with the customer’s billing address. Yes ba_zip
ba_state Billing Address State String The state associated with the customer’s billing address. Yes ba_city, ba_zip, ba_state
billing_name Billing Name String The customer’s name associated with their credit card purchase. Yes billing_name
ba_phone Billing Phone Number String The phone number associated with the customer’s credit card purchase. No
admin_user_first_name Box Office User First Name String The first name of the Admin user who processed the order. No admin_user_id
admin_user_id Box Office User ID String The unique ID of the Admin user who processed the order. Yes
admin_user_last_name Box Office User Last Name String The last name of the Admin user who processed the order. No admin_user_id
bundle_name Bundle Name String The bundle in which the ticket is included. Yes
capture_method Capture Method String The method (e.g., online, box office) with which the ticket was purchased. Yes capture_method
confirmation_number Confirmation Number String The unique ID shared with the customer to identify the order. No
currency Currency String The type of currency used to purchase the order. Yes currency
customer_address Customer Address String The customer’s current full address. No
ca_city Customer Address City String The customer’s city associated with their current address. Yes ca_city
ca_country Customer Address Country String The customer’s country associated with their current address. Yes ca_country
ca_address Customer Address Line 1 String The customer’s first line of their current address. No
ca_address_2 Customer Address Line 2 String The customer’s second line of their current address. No
ca_zip Customer Address Postal Code String The customer’s postal code associated with their current address. Yes ca_zip
ca_state Customer Address State String The customer’s state associated with their current address. Yes ca_city, ca_zip, ca_state
customer_email Customer Email String The customer’s current email address. Yes
customer_first_name Customer First Name String The customer’s first name. No
member_id Customer ID String The unique ID of the customer’s account. Yes
customer_last_name Customer Last Name String The customer’s last name. No
member_note Customer Notes String Any notes attached to the customer’s record. No member_id
customer_phone_number Customer Phone Number String The customer’s phone number. Yes
day_of_the_week Day of the Week Year The day of the week (e.g., Mon, Tues, Wed) on which the order, transaction, etc. occurred. Yes
delivery_type Delivery Method String The method (e.g., print-at-home, mobile, etc.) selected by the customer for receiving their tickets. Yes delivery_type
device_id Device ID String The unique ID of the scanning device used to scan the ticket. Yes
discount_code Discount Code String The code associated with the discount coupon. Yes
event_capacity Event Capacity Numeric The maximum capacity of the event. Yes
event_day_of_the_week Event Day of the Week String The day of the week (e.g., Mon, Tues, Wed) on which the event occurred. Based on the event’s local timezone. Yes
event_id Event ID String The unique ID of the event for which the ticket was purchased. Yes
event_name Event Name String The title of the event for which the ticket was purchased. Yes
event_start Event Start Time The full start date and time for which the ticket was purchased. Yes
event_start_date Event Start Date Date The date on which the event is scheduled to begin. Yes
event_start_time Event Start Time String The time when the event is scheduled to begin. Yes
fulfillment_status Fulfillment Status String The current status (fulfilled or not) of the ticket. Yes
ip_address IP Address String The customer’s IP address associated with the order. Only available for online orders. No
legacy_delivery_type Legacy Delivery Method String The legacy method (e.g., print-at-home, mobile, etc.) selected by the customer for receiving their tickets. Yes delivery_type
listing_id Listing ID String The unique ID of the listing that the reservation was started on Yes
listing_name Listing Name String The internal only name of this listing Yes
membership_id Membership ID String The ID associated with the customer’s membership. No
membership_level Membership Level String The customer’s tier of membership. No
name_on_order Name on Order String The name provided with the customer’s order. (Note: May be different from Customer Name.) No
name_on_ticket Name on Ticket String The name associated with the ticket. (Available if Collect Name on Each Ticket is enabled.) Yes
opt_in_status Opt-in Status String Identifies whether a customer has agreed to receive marketing emails from your organization. Yes
order_email Order Email String The customer’s email address used to place the order. Yes
order_id Order ID String The unique ID associated with the order. Yes
payment_method_name Payment Method String The payment method (cash, credit, etc.) used to purchase the order. Yes
presale_code Presale Code String The code associated with the presale coupon. Yes
price_level_id Price Level ID String The unique ID of the price level of the ticket. Yes
price_level_name Price Level Name String The title of the price level of the ticket. Yes
answers_orders Question Responses (Order) String Customer responses to questions associated with the order. No
answers_tickets Question Responses (Ticket) String Customer responses to questions associated with the ticket. No
row Row String The seat row attached to the ticket. No
local_scan_date Scan Date Date The date of the scan. Yes
local_scan_hour Scan Hour Hour The hour of the scan. Can be applied across multiple days. Yes
id Scan ID String The unique ID of the scan. No
local_scan_month Scan Month Month The month of the scan. Yes
local_scan_time Scan Time Time The full date and time of the scan. No
status_name Scan Type String The type of activity (e.g., scan in, scan out). Yes
local_scan_year Scan Year Year The year of the scan. Yes
scanner_user_first_name Scanner User First Name String The first name of the user who scanned the ticket. No scanner_user_id
scanner_user_id Scanner User ID String The unique ID of the user who scanned the ticket. Yes
scanner_user_last_name Scanner User Last Name String The last name of the user who scanned the ticket. No scanner_user_id
seat Seat String The seat attached to the ticket. No
section Section String The seat section attached to the ticket. Yes
seller_name Seller String The event organization’s seller account. No
seller_id Seller ID String The unique ID of the event organization’s seller account. Yes
shipping_address Shipping Address String The full mailing address provided for delivery of the customer’s order. No
sa_city Shipping Address City String The city associated with the customer’s shipping address. Yes sa_city
sa_country Shipping Address Country String The country associated with the customer’s shipping address. Yes sa_country
sa_address Shipping Address Line 1 String The first line of the customer’s shipping address. Yes sa_address
sa_address2 Shipping Address Line 2 String The second line of the customer’s shipping address. Yes sa_address2
sa_postal_code Shipping Address Postal Code String The postal code associated with the customer’s shipping address. Yes sa_postal_code
sa_state Shipping Address State String The state associated with the customer’s shipping address. Yes sa_state
shipping_name Shipping Name String The customer’s name provided for delivery of the order. Yes
ticket_cost Ticket Net Monetary The price of the ticket at the time of purchase. No
ticket_source Ticket Source String The method by which the ticket was created (e.g., standard, preprint). No
ticket_status Ticket Status String The status (live, void, or pending) of the ticket. Yes
count_scans Total Scans Numeric The total number of scans, including scan-ins and scan-outs. No
total_scans_in Total Scans In Numeric The total number of check-in scans. No
total_scans_out Total Scans Out Numeric The total number of check-out scans. No

Groups Information

Column Key

Primary Filter Information

Column Title Type Options
event_id Event ID event
local_scan_time Scan Time datetime
seller_id Seller ID seller

Other Filter Information

Column Title Type Options
admin_user_id Box Office User ID string
day_of_the_week Day of the Week select Sunday Sunday, Monday Monday, Tuesday Tuesday, Wednesday Wednesday, Thursday Thursday, Friday Friday, Saturday Saturday
event_day_of_the_week Event Day of the Week select Sunday Sunday, Monday Monday, Tuesday Tuesday, Wednesday Wednesday, Thursday Thursday, Friday Friday, Saturday Saturday
status_name Scan Type select 1 SCANNED IN, 2 SCANNED OUT, 3 VOIDED
scanner_user_first_name Scanner User First Name string
scanner_user_last_name Scanner User Last Name string
ticket_status Ticket Status select 1 Live, 2 Canceled

Financial Item Report

Column Information

Column Title Format Description Groupable Valid Groups Invalid Groups
additional_charge_note Additional Charge Note String The note accompanying an additional charge when the charge is created. Yes
custom_fee_name Additional Fee Name String The title of the additional fee. Yes custom_fee_name
ticket_fees_ti Additional Fees Collected Monetary A multi-column breakdown of money collected for each additional fee. No
ticket_fees_sc Additional Fees Owed Monetary A multi-column breakdown of money collected for each additional fee. No
item_amount Amount Monetary The financial amount of the transaction. No
billing_address Billing Address String The mailing address associated with the customer’s credit card. No
ba_city Billing Address City String The city associated with the customer’s billing address. Yes ba_city
ba_country Billing Address Country String The country associated with the customer’s billing address. Yes ba_country
ba_address Billing Address Line 1 String The first line of the customer’s billing address. No
ba_address2 Billing Address Line 2 String The second line of the customer’s billing address. No
ba_zip Billing Address Postal Code String The postal code associated with the customer’s billing address. Yes ba_zip
ba_state Billing Address State String The state associated with the customer’s billing address. Yes ba_city, ba_zip, ba_state
billing_name Billing Name String The customer’s name associated with their credit card purchase. Yes billing_name
ba_phone Billing Phone Number String The phone number associated with the customer’s credit card purchase. No
admin_user_first_name Box Office User First Name String The first name of the Admin user who processed the order. No admin_user_id
admin_user_id Box Office User ID String The unique ID of the Admin user who processed the order. Yes
admin_user_last_name Box Office User Last Name String The last name of the Admin user who processed the order. No admin_user_id
bundle_id Bundle ID String The unique ID associated with the bundle. Yes bundle_name transaction_id, order_id
bundle_name Bundle Name String The title of the bundle. Yes bundle_id transaction_id, order_id
capture_method Capture Method String The method (e.g., online, box office) with which the ticket was purchased. Yes capture_method
last_four Card Last Four String The last four digits of the card used to pay for the order. No
is_swiped Card Present String Indicates whether the customer’s credit card was swiped to process the transaction. No
card_type Card Type String The type of card (Visa, AmEx, etc.) used to pay for the order. Yes
currency Currency String The type of currency used to purchase the order. Yes currency
customer_address Customer Address String The customer’s current full address. No
confirmation_number Confirmation Number String The unique ID shared with the customer to identify the order. No
ca_city Customer Address City String The customer’s city associated with their current address. Yes ca_city
ca_country Customer Address Country String The customer’s country associated with their current address. Yes ca_country
ca_address Customer Address Line 1 String The customer’s first line of their current address. No
ca_address_2 Customer Address Line 2 String The customer’s second line of their current address. No
ca_zip Customer Address Postal Code String The customer’s postal code associated with their current address. Yes ca_zip
ca_state Customer Address State String The customer’s state associated with their current address. Yes ca_city, ca_zip, ca_state
customer_email Customer Email String The customer’s current email address. Yes
customer_first_name Customer First Name String The customer’s first name. No
member_id Customer ID String The unique ID of the customer’s account. Yes
customer_last_name Customer Last Name String The customer’s last name. No
member_note Customer Notes String Any notes attached to the customer’s record. No member_id
customer_phone_number Customer Phone Number String The customer’s phone number. Yes
day_of_the_week Day of the Week Year The day of the week (e.g., Mon, Tues, Wed) on which the order, transaction, etc. occurred. Yes
delivery_id Delivery ID String The delivery ID. Yes
delivery_type Delivery Method String The method (e.g., print-at-home, mobile, etc.) selected by the customer for receiving their tickets. Yes delivery_type
destination Destination String The delivery destination. Yes
discounted_price_level Discounted Price Level String The title of the discounted price level associated with the transaction. Yes transaction_id, order_id
event_capacity Event Capacity Numeric The maximum capacity of the event. Yes
event_id Event ID String The unique ID associated with the event. Yes
event_name Event Name String The title of the event associated with the transaction. Yes
event_start Event Start Time The full date and time when the event is scheduled to begin. No
event_start_date Event Start Date Date The date on which the event is scheduled to begin. Yes
event_start_time Event Start Time String The time when the event is scheduled to begin. No
transaction_details_fees_collected Fee Financials Monetary Financial details for transactions related to fees. No
transaction_details_fees_owed Fee Financials Monetary Financial details for transactions related to fees. No
ip_address IP Address String The customer’s IP address associated with the order. Only available for online orders. No
item_type Item Type String The line item of the transaction (e.g. ticket, product, service fee, etc.). Yes item_type
legacy_delivery_type Legacy Delivery Method String The legacy method (e.g., print-at-home, mobile, etc.) selected by the customer for receiving their tickets. Yes delivery_type
listing_id Listing ID String The unique ID of the listing that the reservation was started on Yes
listing_name Listing Name String The internal only name of this listing Yes
membership_id Membership ID String The ID associated with the customer’s membership. No
membership_level Membership Level String The customer’s tier of membership. No
name_on_order Name on Order String The name provided with the customer’s order. (Note: May be different from Customer Name.) No
names_on_live_tickets Names on Live Tickets String The attendee names collected on each live ticket associated with the transaction. No
count_orders Number of Orders Numeric The number of unique orders included. No transaction_id, order_id
count_transactions Number of Transactions Numeric The number of payments or refunds included. Only available when a grouping is applied. No item_type, price_level_id, price_level_name
opt_in_status Opt-in Status String Identifies whether a customer has agreed to receive marketing emails from your organization. Yes
order_email Order Email String The customer’s email address used to place the order. Yes
order_id Order ID String The unique ID associated with the order. Yes
order_status Order Status String The current status (e.g., completed, pending, void) of the order. Yes
order_type Order Type String The order’s type (e.g., standard, group sales, payment plan). Yes
transaction_details_other_owed Other Financials Monetary Financial details for miscellaneous transaction types. No
transaction_details_other_collected Other Financials Monetary Financial details for miscellaneous transaction types. No
gateway Payment Gateway String The merchant gateway used to transact the purchase. Yes gateway
gateway_reference_id Payment Gateway Reference ID String The merchant gateway’s ID for this transaction. No
payment_method_name Payment Method String The payment method (cash, credit, etc.) used to purchase the order. Yes
payment_plan_id Payment Plan ID String The unique ID associated with the payment plan for the order. No
payout_id Payout ID String The ID of the partner’s payout. Yes payout_id
price_level_id Price Level ID String The unique ID of the price level associated with the transaction. Yes transaction_id, order_id
price_level_name Price Level Name String The title of the price level associated with the transaction. Yes transaction_id, order_id
product_config_name Product Configuration Name String The title of the product configuration purchased in the transaction. Yes
transaction_details_products_owed Product Financials Monetary Financial details for transactions related to product sales. No
transaction_details_products_collected Product Financials Monetary Financial details for transactions related to product sales. No
product_id Product ID String The unique ID of the product associated with the transaction. Yes product_name, product_config_name
product_name Product Name String The title of the product associated with the transaction. Yes product_id, product_config_name
seller_name Seller String The event organization’s seller account. No
seller_id Seller ID String The unique ID of the event organization’s seller account. Yes
payout_date Settlement Date Date The Settlement Date of the partner’s payout. Yes date
shipping_address Shipping Address String The full mailing address provided for delivery of the customer’s order. No
sa_city Shipping Address City String The city associated with the customer’s shipping address. Yes sa_city
sa_country Shipping Address Country String The country associated with the customer’s shipping address. Yes sa_country
sa_address Shipping Address Line 1 String The first line of the customer’s shipping address. Yes sa_address
sa_address2 Shipping Address Line 2 String The second line of the customer’s shipping address. Yes sa_address2
sa_postal_code Shipping Address Postal Code String The postal code associated with the customer’s shipping address. Yes sa_postal_code
sa_state Shipping Address State String The state associated with the customer’s shipping address. Yes sa_state
shipping_name Shipping Name String The customer’s name provided for delivery of the order. Yes
transaction_details_financials_owed Ticket Financials Monetary Financial details for transactions related to ticket sales and discounts. Note: Ticket Face Value does not include discounts, comps, or refunds. No
transaction_details_financials_collected Ticket Financials Monetary Financial details for transactions related to ticket sales and discounts. Note: Ticket Face Value does not include discounts, comps, or refunds. No
ticket_id_alias Ticket ID String The unique ID of the ticket associated with the transaction. Yes
total_transactions_amount Total Collected Monetary The net total of all in-line transactions (i.e. the sum of all transactions included in the row). No
count_live_tickets Total Live Tickets Numeric The total number of live tickets associated with the transaction. No
total_charges_amount Total Owed Monetary No description No
total_amount Total Payout Monetary The net total of all in-line transactions (i.e. the sum of all transactions included in the row). No
count_canceled_tickets Total Void Tickets Numeric The total number of void tickets associated with the transaction No
transaction_date Transaction Date Date The date on which the transaction occurred. Yes date
hour Transaction Hour Hour The hour at which the transaction occurred. Can be applied across multiple days. Yes hour
transaction_id Transaction ID String The unique ID associated the transaction. Yes
month Transaction Month Month The month in which the transaction occurred. Yes month
time Transaction Time Time The full date and time at which the transaction occurred. No
transaction_type Transaction Type String The general type of transaction (e.g., payment, refund, etc.). Yes transaction_type
year Transaction Year Year The year in which the transaction occurred. Yes year
venue_id Venue ID String Venue ID. Yes
venue_name Venue Name String Venue Name Yes

Groups Information

Column Key

Primary Filter Information

Column Title Type Options
event_id Event ID event
seller_id Seller ID seller
time Transaction Time datetime

Other Filter Information

Column Title Type Options
admin_user_id Box Office User ID string
bundle_name Bundle exists
capture_method Capture Method select pos_all POS - All, 1 Online/Phone, 2 Express Checkout, 3 Express Checkout via Phone, 4 POS via Phone, 5 POS In Person, 6 ShowClix Customer Service, 7 API Sale, 8 Imported Sale, 9 POS via Mail, 10 POS via Email, 13 Kiosk, 14 Lyte, 15 Reserve With Google, 12 Third Party Import, 16 Trip Advisor
card_type Card Type select Visa Visa, MasterCard MasterCard, Discover Discover, American Express American Express, Diners Diners, JCB JCB, Maestro Maestro, Other Other
day_of_the_week Day of the Week select Sunday Sunday, Monday Monday, Tuesday Tuesday, Wednesday Wednesday, Thursday Thursday, Friday Friday, Saturday Saturday
delivery_id Delivery ID string
delivery_type Delivery Method select delivery_type
destination Destination string
item_type Item Type select Ticket Face Value Collected Ticket Face Value Collected, Ticket Service Fees Collected Ticket Service Fees Collected, Delivery Fees Collected Delivery Fees Collected, Legacy Custom Seller Fees Collected Legacy Custom Seller Fees Collected, Donation Collected Donation Collected, Ticket Discounts Collected Ticket Discounts Collected, Ticket Auto Discounts Collected Ticket Auto Discounts Collected, Ticket Comp Coupons Collected Ticket Comp Coupons Collected, Ticket Comps Collected Ticket Comps Collected, Product Value Collected Product Value Collected, Product Flat Shipping Fees Collected Product Flat Shipping Fees Collected, Product Shipping Fees Collected Product Shipping Fees Collected, Product Service Fees Collected Product Service Fees Collected, Product Tax Collected Product Tax Collected, Product Fulfiller Fees Collected Product Fulfiller Fees Collected, Chargeback Collected Chargeback Collected, Additional Fees Collected Additional Fees Collected, Other Additional Charge Collected Other Additional Charge Collected, Corrective Collected Corrective Collected, Unspecified Collected Unspecified Collected
listing_id Listing ID string
order_status Order Status select Completed Completed, Pending Pending, Void Void
order_type Order Type select Standard Standard, Payment Plan Payment Plan, Group Sale Group Sale
gateway Payment Gateway select gateway
payment_method_name Payment Method select payment_method_name
payment_plan_id Payment Plan exists
payout_id Payout ID number
price_level_id Price Level price-level
transaction_type Transaction Type select 1 Payment, 4 Refund, 5 Additional Charge, 6 Seller Payment, 7 Chargeback, 8 Swap, 12 Exchange

Product Report

Column Information

Column Title Format Description Groupable Valid Groups Invalid Groups
billing_address Billing Address String The mailing address associated with the customer’s credit card. No
ba_city Billing Address City String The city associated with the customer’s billing address. Yes ba_city
ba_country Billing Address Country String The country associated with the customer’s billing address. Yes ba_country
ba_address Billing Address Line 1 String The first line of the customer’s billing address. No
ba_address2 Billing Address Line 2 String The second line of the customer’s billing address. No
ba_zip Billing Address Postal Code String The postal code associated with the customer’s billing address. Yes ba_zip
ba_state Billing Address State String The state associated with the customer’s billing address. Yes ba_city, ba_zip, ba_state
billing_name Billing Name String The customer’s name associated with their credit card purchase. Yes billing_name
ba_phone Billing Phone Number String The phone number associated with the customer’s credit card purchase. No
admin_user_first_name Box Office User First Name String The first name of the Admin user who processed the order. No admin_user_id
admin_user_id Box Office User ID String The unique ID of the Admin user who processed the order. Yes
admin_user_last_name Box Office User Last Name String The last name of the Admin user who processed the order. No admin_user_id
bundle_name Bundle Name String The title of the bundle. No
listing_position Checkout Listing Position String The position of the product on the event listing page. No
capture_method Capture Method String The method (e.g., online, box office) with which the ticket was purchased. Yes capture_method
confirmation_number Confirmation Number String The unique ID shared with the customer to identify the order. No
currency Currency String The type of currency used to purchase the order. Yes currency
inventory Current Maximum Inventory Numeric The maximum number of units for this product configuration. No
customer_address Customer Address String The customer’s current full address. No
ca_city Customer Address City String The customer’s city associated with their current address. Yes ca_city
ca_country Customer Address Country String The customer’s country associated with their current address. Yes ca_country
ca_address Customer Address Line 1 String The customer’s first line of their current address. No
ca_address_2 Customer Address Line 2 String The customer’s second line of their current address. No
ca_zip Customer Address Postal Code String The customer’s postal code associated with their current address. Yes ca_zip
ca_state Customer Address State String The customer’s state associated with their current address. Yes ca_city, ca_zip, ca_state
customer_email Customer Email String The customer’s current email address. Yes
customer_first_name Customer First Name String The customer’s first name. No
member_id Customer ID String The unique ID of the customer’s account. Yes
customer_last_name Customer Last Name String The customer’s last name. No
member_note Customer Notes String Any notes attached to the customer’s record. No member_id
customer_phone_number Customer Phone Number String The customer’s phone number. Yes
day_of_the_week Day of the Week Year The day of the week (e.g., Mon, Tues, Wed) on which the order, transaction, etc. occurred. Yes
delivery_type Delivery Method String The method (e.g., print-at-home, mobile, etc.) selected by the customer for receiving their tickets. Yes delivery_type
event_day_of_the_week Event Day of the Week String The day of the week (e.g., Mon, Tues, Wed) on which the event occurred. Based on the event’s local timezone. Yes
event_id Event ID String The unique ID associated with the event. Yes
event_name Event Name String The title of the event associated with the product purchase. Yes
event_start Event Start Time The full date and time when the event is scheduled to begin. No
event_start_date Event Start Date Date The date on which the event is scheduled to begin. No
event_start_time Event Start Time String The time when the event is scheduled to begin. No
flat_shipping_fee Flat Shipping Fee Monetary The shipping cost applied to the product shipment regardless of quantity. (Configured in overall product settings.) No
fulfillment_status Fulfillment Status String The current status (e.g., fulfilled, pending) of the customer’s product. Yes
fulfillment_time Fulfillment Time Time The date and time when the product was fulfilled. No
ip_address IP Address String The customer’s IP address associated with the order. Only available for online orders. No
last_modified Last Modified Time Time The last time that a user modified the product settings in the Admin. No
legacy_delivery_type Legacy Delivery Method String The legacy method (e.g., print-at-home, mobile, etc.) selected by the customer for receiving their tickets. Yes delivery_type
listing_id Listing ID String The unique ID of the listing that the reservation was started on Yes
listing_name Listing Name String The internal only name of this listing Yes
membership_id Membership ID String The ID associated with the customer’s membership. No
membership_level Membership Level String The customer’s tier of membership. No
name_on_order Name on Order String The name provided with the customer’s order. (Note: May be different from Customer Name.) No
opt_in_status Opt-in Status String Identifies whether a customer has agreed to receive marketing emails from your organization. Yes
sale_date Order Completed Date Date The date on which the order was completed. Yes sale_date
sale_hour Order Completed Hour Hour The hour at which the order was completed. Can be applied across multiple days. Yes sale_hour
sale_month Order Completed Month Month The month in which the order was completed. Yes sale_month
sale_time Order Completed Time Time The full date and time at which the order was completed. No
sale_year Order Completed Year Year The year in which the order was completed. Yes sale_year
order_email Order Email String The customer’s email address used to place the order. Yes
order_id Order ID String The unique ID associated with the order. Yes
purchase_date Order Start Date Date The date on which the order was opened. Yes purchase_date
purchase_hour Order Start Hour Hour The hour at which the order was opened. Can be applied across multiple days. Yes purchase_hour
purchase_month Order Start Month Month The month in which the order was opened. Yes purchase_month
purchase_time Order Start Time Time The full date and time at which the order was opened. No
purchase_year Order Start Year Year The year in which the order was opened. Yes purchase_year
payment_method_name Payment Method String The payment method (cash, credit, etc.) used to purchase the order. Yes
payment_plan_id Payment Plan ID String The unique ID associated with the payment plan for the order. No
product_config_id Product Config ID Numeric The internal ID of the product configuration. Yes
product_config_name Product Configuration Name String The title of the product configuration (e.g., size). Yes
product_id Product ID String The internal ID of the product. Yes
product_model Product Model String The user-provided model of the product. No
product_name Product Name String The title of the product. No
total_net Product Net Monetary The net amount paid on the order (after refunds and discounts). No
event_price Product Price Monetary The current price of the product for the selected event. No
service_fee Product Service Fee Monetary The service fee collected in addition to the cost of the product. No
buyer_fee Product Service Fee Collected Monetary No
seller_fee Product Service Fee Owed Monetary No
status Product Status String Indicates whether the product is live or void. Yes status
tax Product Tax Monetary The tax applied to the product purchase. (Configured in overall product settings.) No
purchase_without_tickets Purchasable Without Tickets Numeric Indicates whether a product can be purchased without tickets. No
seller_name Seller String The event organization’s seller account. No
seller_id Seller ID String The unique ID of the event organization’s seller account. Yes
shipping_address Shipping Address String The full mailing address provided for delivery of the customer’s order. No
sa_city Shipping Address City String The city associated with the customer’s shipping address. Yes sa_city
sa_country Shipping Address Country String The country associated with the customer’s shipping address. Yes sa_country
sa_address Shipping Address Line 1 String The first line of the customer’s shipping address. Yes sa_address
sa_address2 Shipping Address Line 2 String The second line of the customer’s shipping address. Yes sa_address2
sa_postal_code Shipping Address Postal Code String The postal code associated with the customer’s shipping address. Yes sa_postal_code
sa_state Shipping Address State String The state associated with the customer’s shipping address. Yes sa_state
shipping_fee Shipping Fee Monetary The shipping cost applied per product. (Configured in individual product settings.) No
shipping_name Shipping Name String The customer’s name provided for delivery of the order. Yes
taxable Taxable String Indicates whether the product may have taxes applied. No
total_flat_shipping_fee Total Product Flat Shipping Fee Monetary The total shipping cost applied to the product shipment regardless of quantity. (Configured in overall product settings.) No
total_buyer_fee Total Product Service Fee Collected Monetary No
total_seller_fee Total Product Service Fee Owed Monetary No
total_shipping_fees Total Product Shipping Fees Monetary The total shipping cost applied. No
total_tax Total Product Tax Monetary The total tax applied to all products purchased. No
count_sales Total Products Numeric The total number of products included in the purchase. No
count_product_sales Total Products Numeric The total number of products purchased. Only available when a grouping is applied. No
total_service_fees Total Service Fees Monetary The total service fee charged on the product. No
upc UPC String The barcode ID of the product. No
weight Weight Numeric The weight of the product. No

Groups Information

Column Key

Primary Filter Information

Column Title Type Options
event_id Event ID event
purchase_time Order Start Time datetime
seller_id Seller ID seller

Other Filter Information

Column Title Type Options
admin_user_id Box Office User ID string
bundle_name Bundle exists
capture_method Capture Method select pos_all POS - All, 1 Online/Phone, 2 Express Checkout, 3 Express Checkout via Phone, 4 POS via Phone, 5 POS In Person, 6 ShowClix Customer Service, 7 API Sale, 8 Imported Sale, 9 POS via Mail, 10 POS via Email, 13 Kiosk, 14 Lyte, 15 Reserve With Google, 12 Third Party Import, 16 Trip Advisor
day_of_the_week Day of the Week select Sunday Sunday, Monday Monday, Tuesday Tuesday, Wednesday Wednesday, Thursday Thursday, Friday Friday, Saturday Saturday
delivery_type Delivery Method select delivery_type
event_day_of_the_week Event Day of the Week select Sunday Sunday, Monday Monday, Tuesday Tuesday, Wednesday Wednesday, Thursday Thursday, Friday Friday, Saturday Saturday
fulfillment_status Fulfillment Status select 8 Shipped, 7 Pending, 1 Not begun, 10 Picked up
name_on_order Name on Order string
payment_method_name Payment Method select payment_method_name
status Product Status select 1 Live, 2 Canceled

Bundle Sale Report

Column Information

Column Title Format Description Groupable Valid Groups Invalid Groups
billing_address Billing Address String The mailing address associated with the customer’s credit card. No
ba_city Billing Address City String The city associated with the customer’s billing address. Yes ba_city
ba_state Billing Address State String The state associated with the customer’s billing address. Yes ba_city, ba_zip, ba_state
bundle_id Bundle ID String The unique ID associated with the bundle. Yes
ba_country Billing Address Country String The country associated with the customer’s billing address. Yes ba_country
ba_address Billing Address Line 1 String The first line of the customer’s billing address. No
ba_address2 Billing Address Line 2 String The second line of the customer’s billing address. No
ba_zip Billing Address Postal Code String The postal code associated with the customer’s billing address. Yes ba_zip
billing_name Billing Name String The customer’s name associated with their credit card purchase. Yes billing_name
ba_phone Billing Phone Number String The phone number associated with the customer’s credit card purchase. No
admin_user_first_name Box Office User First Name String The first name of the Admin user who processed the order. No admin_user_id
admin_user_id Box Office User ID String The unique ID of the Admin user who processed the order. Yes
admin_user_last_name Box Office User Last Name String The last name of the Admin user who processed the order. No admin_user_id
bundle_name Bundle Name String The title of the bundle. Yes
status Bundle Status String Indicates whether the bundle is live or void. No
capture_method Capture Method String The method (e.g., online, box office) with which the ticket was purchased. Yes capture_method
confirmation_number Confirmation Number String The unique ID shared with the customer to identify the order. No
currency Currency String The type of currency used to purchase the order. Yes currency
customer_address Customer Address String The customer’s current full address. No
ca_city Customer Address City String The customer’s city associated with their current address. Yes ca_city
ca_country Customer Address Country String The customer’s country associated with their current address. Yes ca_country
ca_address Customer Address Line 1 String The customer’s first line of their current address. No
ca_address_2 Customer Address Line 2 String The customer’s second line of their current address. No
ca_zip Customer Address Postal Code String The customer’s postal code associated with their current address. Yes ca_zip
ca_state Customer Address State String The customer’s state associated with their current address. Yes ca_city, ca_zip, ca_state
customer_email Customer Email String The customer’s current email address. Yes
customer_first_name Customer First Name String The customer’s first name. No
member_id Customer ID String The unique ID of the customer’s account. Yes
customer_last_name Customer Last Name String The customer’s last name. No
member_note Customer Notes String Any notes attached to the customer’s record. No member_id
customer_phone_number Customer Phone Number String The customer’s phone number. Yes
day_of_the_week Day of the Week Year The day of the week (e.g., Mon, Tues, Wed) on which the order, transaction, etc. occurred. Yes
delivery_type Delivery Method String The method (e.g., print-at-home, mobile, etc.) selected by the customer for receiving their tickets. Yes delivery_type
discount Discounts Monetary The sum of ticket discounts applied to tickets in the bundle. No
event_capacity Event Capacity Numeric The maximum capacity of the event. Yes
event_day_of_the_week Event Day of the Week String The day of the week (e.g., Mon, Tues, Wed) on which the event occurred. Based on the event’s local timezone. Yes
event_id Event ID String The unique ID associated with the event. Yes
ip_address IP Address String The customer’s IP address associated with the order. Only available for online orders. No
legacy_delivery_type Legacy Delivery Method String The legacy method (e.g., print-at-home, mobile, etc.) selected by the customer for receiving their tickets. Yes delivery_type
listing_id Listing ID String The unique ID of the listing that the reservation was started on Yes
listing_name Listing Name String The internal only name of this listing Yes
indiv_tickets_per_price_level_bundle Live Tickets by Price Level Numeric A multi-column breakdown of the total live tickets for all price levels included across all selected orders. No
membership_id Membership ID String The ID associated with the customer’s membership. No
membership_level Membership Level String The customer’s tier of membership. No
name_on_order Name on Order String The name provided with the customer’s order. (Note: May be different from Customer Name.) No
opt_in_status Opt-in Status String Identifies whether a customer has agreed to receive marketing emails from your organization. Yes
sale_date Order Completed Date Date The date on which the order was completed. Yes sale_date
sale_hour Order Completed Hour Hour The hour at which the order was completed. Can be applied across multiple days. Yes sale_hour
sale_month Order Completed Month Month The month in which the order was completed. Yes sale_month
sale_time Order Completed Time Time The full date and time at which the order was completed. No
sale_year Order Completed Year Year The year in which the order was completed. Yes sale_year
order_email Order Email String The customer’s email address used to place the order. Yes
order_id Order ID String The unique ID associated with the order. Yes
purchase_date Order Start Date Date The date on which the order was opened. Yes purchase_date
purchase_hour Order Start Hour Hour The hour at which the order was opened. Can be applied across multiple days. Yes purchase_hour
purchase_month Order Start Month Month The month in which the order was opened. Yes purchase_month
purchase_time Order Start Time Time The full date and time at which the order was opened. No
purchase_year Order Start Year Year The year in which the order was opened. Yes purchase_year
event_name Package Event Name String The title of any event included with the order. Yes
payment_method_name Payment Method String The payment method (cash, credit, etc.) used to purchase the order. Yes
payment_plan_id Payment Plan ID String The unique ID associated with the payment plan for the order. No
indiv_product_sales_per_product Product Counts by Product Numeric A multi-column breakdown of the total units sold for each product across all selected orders. No
indiv_product_sales_per_product_config Product Counts by Product Configuration Numeric A multi-column breakdown of the total units sold for each product configuration across all selected orders. No
product_cost Product Net Monetary The net amount paid on the products (after refunds and discounts). No
answers_bundles Question Responses (Order) String Customer responses to questions associated with the order. No
seller_name Seller String The event organization’s seller account. No
seller_id Seller ID String The unique ID of the event organization’s seller account. Yes
shipping_address Shipping Address String The full mailing address provided for delivery of the customer’s order. No
sa_city Shipping Address City String The city associated with the customer’s shipping address. Yes sa_city
sa_country Shipping Address Country String The country associated with the customer’s shipping address. Yes sa_country
sa_address Shipping Address Line 1 String The first line of the customer’s shipping address. Yes sa_address
sa_address2 Shipping Address Line 2 String The second line of the customer’s shipping address. Yes sa_address2
sa_postal_code Shipping Address Postal Code String The postal code associated with the customer’s shipping address. Yes sa_postal_code
sa_state Shipping Address State String The state associated with the customer’s shipping address. Yes sa_state
shipping_name Shipping Name String The customer’s name provided for delivery of the order. Yes
ticket_cost Ticket Net Monetary The total face value of the tickets in the bundle. No
count_bundle_sales Total Bundles Sold Numeric The total number of bundles purchased. No
total_cost Total Cost Monetary The total face value of both tickets and products in this bundle. No

Groups Information

Column Key

Primary Filter Information

Column Title Type Options
event_id Event ID event
purchase_time Order Start Time datetime
seller_id Seller ID seller

Other Filter Information

Column Title Type Options
admin_user_id Box Office User ID string
status Bundle Status select Live Live, Void Void
capture_method Capture Method select pos_all POS - All, 1 Online/Phone, 2 Express Checkout, 3 Express Checkout via Phone, 4 POS via Phone, 5 POS In Person, 6 ShowClix Customer Service, 7 API Sale, 8 Imported Sale, 9 POS via Mail, 10 POS via Email, 13 Kiosk, 14 Lyte, 15 Reserve With Google, 12 Third Party Import, 16 Trip Advisor
day_of_the_week Day of the Week select Sunday Sunday, Monday Monday, Tuesday Tuesday, Wednesday Wednesday, Thursday Thursday, Friday Friday, Saturday Saturday
delivery_type Delivery Method select delivery_type
event_day_of_the_week Event Day of the Week select Sunday Sunday, Monday Monday, Tuesday Tuesday, Wednesday Wednesday, Thursday Thursday, Friday Friday, Saturday Saturday
payment_method_name Payment Method select payment_method_name

Background Reports

All reports have the ability to be backgrounded. This is especially nice for exceptionally large or complicated reports. Reports can be explicitly backgrounded by the API client or they may be implicitly backgrounded if the API client attempts to foreground a report that is too large. In that instance the foreground report API endpoint will return a 201 Created HTTP response.

Report Status

GET /report-status/status?report=

Check report status


Background Report

GET /report-status/load?report=

Retrieve a backgrounded report


Generated by aglio on 07 May 2024